Thursday, September 11, 2008

scientific method

The scientific method. The scientific method is the steps that scientist use to go firth and conduct an experiment. The steps are state the problem,create a hypothesis,create the experiment,then do the experiment, then record the results of the experiment. Next you put your data in a graph or table. Then you make your conclusion of what you* learned from that experiment and what changes you could have made to make your experiment better. An example of this is, my problem is that my brand of paper towels is not absorbant enough. Question which brand of paper towels is the most absorbant.Hypothesis I think that bounty is the most absorbant paper towel.Experiment fill up 3 cups about 1 inch up then take 2 sheets of each brand bounty, charmin, and fantastic. Then put the paper towel in and letb it sit for about 1 minute then take them out and put them in another cup and see how much water is left in the cup and how much is dripping in the new cup. Then record your results in a data table. Then write your conclusion.

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