Friday, September 12, 2008

Corpernicus and the trials of Galileo

Copernicus was the one that had the theory of heliocentric. That the sun is the center of our solar sysytem. Heliocentrism Was the name of the theory that all the members of the church believed in. Those who did study his work intact often did so in secret. They were called Copernicans.
Galileo was an astronomer he was against the churches idea of heliocentrism. He believed that the earth was the center of the solar system. The church did not like that he was not a believer of what they believe. Galileo was a religous man he had a daughter that was a Nun.
The theory of heliocentism was the one that came fisrt. This was the romancatholic churches theory and they were dead wrong. It wasn't until
100 years later when a new theory came about. The theory of goecentrism this was Galileo's theory and he was right.
For going against the church Galileo was sentenced to be burned at the stake. On the circumstances thats his daughter was a Nun he got a lighter sentence. He just had to do house arrest or excommunication.

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