Wednesday, December 3, 2008

film lesson: mountain of the moon

Some of the hardships that the europeans had to face in africa were the rough terrain and exremly hot climate. It was strange that they named the lake after the Queen because it wasn't even a colonie of england yet. The unfair part about it was that the europeans had guns and the africans had spears. thats why the europeons beat the africans so easily

Thursday, November 6, 2008

karl marx and communsim

Karl marx was an accomplished communist

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karl marx and the industrial revolution

karl mark did not like the industrial revolution . because Karl marx didn't like the way that the workers were treated in the factories. He thought it was unfair to treat children the way that they did. the reason that he invented communism is so that everyone will be treated fairly and force to work long and hard for no money. this was a great idea at the time people join unions that supported these ideas.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nationalism and the creation of italy

My definition of nationalism is when your loyal to your country and your countries traditions and customs. Like BBQs on the 4th of july and the all american apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Im nationalistic because i love to watch and play football and all american sport. I also show im nationalistic by voting when i turn 18. Nationalism was used to create italy beacause they were just a group of seperate states and they came together to form the nation of italy with a common languge italian.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Simon Bolivar and the latin American revolution

Simon Bolivar was born in caracas venezuela on july 24 1783 he was known as the hero of the south american revolution. His mom

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

Maximilien Robespierre was the man that ruled France like a dictator he was a relentless leader and he tried to reshape the old government of france and make it into his own. He changed the claender and changed sunday because he thought it was to much related to the religous leaders ways. Also he closed all of the chruches in paris
his rule was called the reign of terror. So many people were executed by Robespierre
every one was scared that one day they were here and the next day they would loss their

Monday, September 22, 2008

The french revolution


1. the reasons why they where mad at the king was because they didn't like the things that he was doing like, making estates and making peasants go to war. They also couldn't fish or hunt where the nobles fished or hunted. They also had to do all the king dirty work.

2. About how they had to go to war and how they had to pay taxes to the king , church ,and their

3. What the cartoonist was trying to make a point about was how hard it was to juggle all the different things that he has to do

4. He feels like he wont be able to pay all of the taxes that he has to pay to the lord

Thursday, September 18, 2008

John locke and the enlightenment

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal". These are the powerful words that come to the minds of all historians when they think about how we became a country. The declaration of independence was the reason why thathappened.But who was the one behind the declaration? Thomas Jefferson? no it was John locke.
"Though the familiar use of the Things about us, takes off our Wonder; yet it cures not our Ignorance." those were the words of
john locke. What he meant by that was that people are blinded by there idea and are ignorant to the truth. He was right that is why they wanted to make their own country to break away from the opression of the english king.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Corpernicus and the trials of Galileo

Copernicus was the one that had the theory of heliocentric. That the sun is the center of our solar sysytem. Heliocentrism Was the name of the theory that all the members of the church believed in. Those who did study his work intact often did so in secret. They were called Copernicans.
Galileo was an astronomer he was against the churches idea of heliocentrism. He believed that the earth was the center of the solar system. The church did not like that he was not a believer of what they believe. Galileo was a religous man he had a daughter that was a Nun.
The theory of heliocentism was the one that came fisrt. This was the romancatholic churches theory and they were dead wrong. It wasn't until
100 years later when a new theory came about. The theory of goecentrism this was Galileo's theory and he was right.
For going against the church Galileo was sentenced to be burned at the stake. On the circumstances thats his daughter was a Nun he got a lighter sentence. He just had to do house arrest or excommunication.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

scientific method

The scientific method. The scientific method is the steps that scientist use to go firth and conduct an experiment. The steps are state the problem,create a hypothesis,create the experiment,then do the experiment, then record the results of the experiment. Next you put your data in a graph or table. Then you make your conclusion of what you* learned from that experiment and what changes you could have made to make your experiment better. An example of this is, my problem is that my brand of paper towels is not absorbant enough. Question which brand of paper towels is the most absorbant.Hypothesis I think that bounty is the most absorbant paper towel.Experiment fill up 3 cups about 1 inch up then take 2 sheets of each brand bounty, charmin, and fantastic. Then put the paper towel in and letb it sit for about 1 minute then take them out and put them in another cup and see how much water is left in the cup and how much is dripping in the new cup. Then record your results in a data table. Then write your conclusion.

Friday, September 5, 2008

evolution VS creation

Evolution is one of the questions thats have rattled the minds of scientist all over the world. this is a long going debate on what theory is right religous or scientific. Evolution is based on the adaption of the species over a long period of time to make us look the way that we do now. Some scientist believe that we evolved from primate because they have similar gene patterns like humans. This does not constitute that the theory is right or wrong but it makes a compelling arguement.
Creation is based on the stories told in the bible. They theory is that the whole world was created by god that he created all the living things in the world and all of the envirorment as well. This theory contridicts the big bang theory the scientist rely on. this theory is the most believed theory because of all the reiligons in the world that read the bible